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WatchGuard Multi-Factor Authentication Series
Multi-Factor Authentication Products - Uniquely Simple. Powerfully Secure.

WatchGuard AuthPoint

Multi-Factor Authentication Products:

WatchGuard AuthPoint MFA
WatchGuard AuthPoint MFA

  • Online (push) and offline (QR code and OTP) authentication
  • Low TCO Cloud service
  • Mobile device DNA check for a strong identity match
  • Lightweight, full-featured mobile app in 11 languages
  • VPN, Cloud and PC login protection all included
  • Web Single Sign-On (SSO) portal
  • Easily protect VPN, Cloud apps and web services using the integration guides
Authpoint Hardware Token
WatchGuard Hardware Token

  • Ready to use with a onestep activation process
  • 3-year warranty, 7+ year life expectancy
  • Water resistant
  • Automatically provisioned through WatchGuard Cloud
  • Token seeds are never exported or exposed

WatchGuard Multi-Factor Authentication Models:

AuthPoint multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides the security you need to protect identities, assets, accounts, and information. Let your company work confidently and worry-free with easy-to-use, cost-effective and complete multi-factor authentication.


Eliminate your company's #1 risk

Quickly and easily close security gaps that leave your company vulnerable to a breach.

Effective MFA protection with unique mobile DNA

AuthPoint uses a mobile device DNA to match the authorised user's phone when granting access to systems and applications. Therefore, any attacker who clones a user's device in an attempt to access a protected system would be blocked - since the device DNA would differ.

mfa cloud features
mfa easy auth

Easy-to-use authentication straight from your mobile phone

No need to carry tokens - authenticate using a simple mobile app on your phone.

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Cloud-based and hassle free

AuthPoint can be fully managed in WatchGuard Cloud. The user interface allows you to view AuthPoint reports and alerts, configure services, and manage tokens all from one location.

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mfa cloud management

Start Securing Your Company Today!

  • Secure a VPN
  • Protect employee logons
  • Secure Cloud applications
  • Set up an SSO portal
  • Stay compliant

Contact a representative for a quote or to learn more.

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